The changing landscape of Southeast Vatnajökull, Iceland

“Glaciers are unique such that their changes can be observed on a human timescale which presents an incredible opportunity… and so with this project I set out to reveal the changes occurring to the landscape… to the ice.”

Through the mid-late 20th century, the glaciers of the icecap Vatnajökull were in a relatively slow retreat. But since the turn of the 21st century, as greenhouse gas emissions have risen, these glaciers have experienced an unprecedented and rapid rate of recession. 

As the glaciers recede, they are uncovering depressions in the landscape which have been carved by the moving ice. These depressions have filled with glacial meltwater forming lakes, proglacial lakes, and further accelerating retreat and ice loss. 

Today, proglacial lakes in SE Iceland are expanding by nearly a kilometer a year as the ice continues to melt faster and faster...


Vatnajökull’s outlet glaciers could disappear by the end of the century.

Replacing ice with water.

Directed and Produced by Nicolas Bakken-French
Drone Pilot and Field Guide: Mike Reid
Thank you to the support of Haukur Igni Einarsson, who made this film possible.
Thank you to the support, inspiration, and guidance of Þorvarður Árnason, Snævarr Guðmundsson, Kieran Baxter, Dan Govoni, and Alex Tyas
1999 photographs belong to and taken by Ólafur Elíasson “The Glacier Melt Series”
Aerial photographs provided by National Land Survey of Iceland
Drone Permits provided by Vatnajökulsþjóðgarður National Park
Sponsored by SIT Study Abroad
Thank you to the assistance of Þekkingarsetrið Nýheimar
Field assistance provided by Glacier Adventure

© 2020 Nicolas J. Bakken-French

Gallery Ice to Water: Stills from the field.