In 2003 legendary Oregon based mountaineer and doctor Steve Boyer, with incredible foresight, set out to photograph and document all of Mount Hood, OR glaciers. On his expedition Dr. Boyer documented many changes to the glaciers on the mountain since the time they had been first documented in the early 20th Century. None of these changes would compare to the glacial loss that would occur in the 20 years following. In 2023, Anders Carlson and myself, as representatives of Oregon Glacier Institute, went to repeat all of Steve Boyers photographs. What we discovered was tremendous glacial loss unlike anything seen in the entire 20th century…

See the summarized report of our findings here:

Read the full peer-reviewed article:


The Repeat Photographs 2003-2023:


Learn more about the Oregon Glaciers Institute and our mission to educate the public and fill in the large information gaps on the glaciers of the state of Oregon.